DJ Acid
DJ & Radio Show Host


Galaxy - Worldwide PsyTrance Podcast by Dj.Acid


Galaxy Radio Show

Hosted by Dj.Acid - on Fridays 21:00 hrs - 23:00 hrs

Project Galaxy became the result of our joint creativity through radio. «When there comes night and stars become brighter…» – This slogan became a certain mark of our aethers. Their idea is, symbiosis of directions and styles a music trance. At source of creation of the program stood, as well as at present is its inspirer Michael Acid aka Dj.Acid. Arisen in 2003 as a high-grade radio, radio-project broadcasting on […]

Galaxy - Worldwide PsyTrance Podcast by Dj.Acid


Since 1996 play psytrance music, in 1999 organized promo label Seraph Trance Station (STS Promo), in 2002 at FM Radio station started my program Galaxy. Since 2008 program transformed into the worldwide podcast Galaxy.

For all musicians – write me & send your unreleased tracks for a present it on Galaxy. With this project cooperated SynSun, PsyFactor, AstroPilot, Mechanix, Badajalash, G-Light, UCHU, Damender, SunSource, Afgin, SunTribe (Digital Sun), Lemonchill & would be working more musicians 🙂 Find me at Facebook 🙂

